The City of Baltimore is excited to support the advancement of transportation opportunities and clean energy solutions through the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations. Baltimore City, through the Parking Authority of Baltimore City, has been a leader in the State of Maryland in introducing electric vehicle charging stations in City-owned parking facilities. For the past several years, we have had 41 publicly accessible dual port Level 2 EVCSs, capable of charging up to 82 Electric Vehicles at a time, in the parking facilities we manage on behalf of the City.
We have partnered with BGE in the EVsmart program to deploy electric vehicle charging stations. Summer of 2022, the Governor’s Appointments Office appointed PABC’s Electric Vehicle Program Manager as a Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC) member. ZEEVIC is working to develop policies, recommendations, and incentives that promote EVs and other Zero Emissions vehicles.
The Parking Authority has applied for over $400 thousand in grant money to help us expand the number of publicly owned charging stations in Baltimore City both on-street and off-street. This program aims to develop an extensive, accessible, and equitable public EV charging program for the City of Baltimore.
The Parking Authority supports the equitable distribution of publicly accessible electrical vehicle charger stations throughout Baltimore City. View Baltimore City’s Equitable EV Charging Station Site Selection boundaries on a map.