PABC Values

Tuesday Feb 12th, 2019

PABC has five core values that it communicates to team members, our customers, and the public. They are—Integrity; Professionalism; Responsiveness; Fairness; and Innovation.

Why do we have and emphasize these values?

  • They provide guidelines to PABC team members on how they should conduct themselves. They let PABC team members know that if they hold to these values (and they will likely be tested), they will be supported by PABC leadership.
  • They let our customers and the public know how we are supposed to act and what we profess, assuring them that we will carry out our duties in a responsible and professional manner. It also allows them to question us if they feel we are not holding true to our values.
  • They help us attract good team members who also believe in and hold these values and who will, therefore, fit into our organization’s culture. They convey to potential hires: “Join us if you share our values; if you don’t, then you need not apply.”

What are each of our 5 values and when might they be applied by PABC team members?

Integrity—We follow all laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.

Example: Our garages are very popular. Many have waiting lists for monthly contract parking. We are sometimes asked if we can bump someone ahead of others on the list We will not, and our value of integrity reinforces that decision.

Professionalism—We interact with our customers and with our teammates with professional conduct and courtesy at all times. Our actions and appearance reflect the professional nature of our organization.

Example: If residents want a parking permit to park in a Residential Permit Parking area to which they are not entitled, they may become angry (and sometimes abusive) toward PABC team members. This value reinforces that we must remain calm and professional in that situation (or any other).

Responsiveness—We respond quickly to the questions, concerns, and needs of all of our customers, and of our teammates.

Example: We respond to emails and voicemails within 24 business hours (even if it is to say, “We’ll need more time to research that matter; we will get back to you by Friday.”).

Fairness—In our interactions with customers and teammates, we are always fair and unbiased.

Example: We do not hire or promote based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.

Innovation—We are always looking for ways to accomplish our mission better, faster, and at less cost.

Examples: With every department and every program, we constantly ask ourselves and our customers, “How can we do this better?” Such as:

  • Smart multi-space and single-space parking meters, which make it easier for parkers to pay for parking and provide data that will help us better manage parking assets.
  • Improved Residential Permit Parking online permitting systems and a better experience for walk-in customers
  • Improved responsiveness to applications for Reserved Residential Disabled Parking90% are processed within 30 days.
  • Soon to come: Pay-by-cell-phone and virtual permit parking.  

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