Baltimore, MD, June 22, 2015 – Parkers looking for monthly contracts at Baltimore City-owned garages are now able to use an online tool to find, apply for and pay for their parking. The website, https://payments.bcparking.com, gives parkers information about available parking and more control over their accounts.
Individuals looking for monthly contracts can go to the website to view garages with available monthly contracts or register themselves on wait lists, if necessary, and be notified when a spot is available. New customers can register online, set up regular payments and pick up their new access card directly from the garage manager at the garage.
Those with existing monthly contracts are able to view and edit their account information online, sign up to receive invoices electronically, print bills, schedule monthly payments or make one-time payments online.
The Parking Authority, whose mission is to “find, create, and implement parking solutions for Baltimore City,” launched this innovative solution to make parking easier by implementing a technological tool to improve customer service. This is the second online parking tool made available in the past two months.
“There are so many great benefits to the new online account management system,” said Sandra J. Downs, Chief Financial Officer of the Parking Authority of Baltimore City. “It’s easy to use, safe and secure and, best of all, there is no additional cost to our parkers.”
There are currently about 10,000 monthly parkers at 16 City-owned garages. In the past, new customers had to call the Parking Authority during regular office hours for information about the garages and ask to be added to wait lists. New customers dropped off applications to the Parking Authority and picked up their access cards at the Parking Authority Office.
Large institutions with contracts for multiple employees will be able to manage their own accounts. They will be able to add and delete parkers and set up recurring or one-time payments.
The Parking Authority of Baltimore City is a 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to find, or create, and implement parking solutions for Baltimore City, and to be the resource on all things “parking” in Baltimore.