RPP Advisory Board

Residential Permit Parking Advisory Board

Baltimore City Code (Article 31, Section 10-9) requires the Executive Director of the Parking Authority to appoint members to the City’s Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Advisory Board. The RPP Advisory Board plays a vital role in the RPP Program, and its duties are:

  1. Seek to ensure that the RPP Program is effective and responsive to those it serves.
  2. Review and comment on proposed changes in the RPP Program, its policies, procedures, or enforcement.
  3. Investigate problem areas and recommend solutions to those problems.
  4. Generally, monitor, evaluate and propose improvements to the RPP Program.

The Parking Authority appoints 2 residents from each District and 1 member at large, for a total of 11 RPP Advisory Board members.

RPP Advisory Board Meetings are generally held the third Thursday of every other month except July at the Parking Authority of Baltimore City (200 W. Lombard Street) in Conference Room B from 6:00 pm -7:00 pm. This meeting is open to the general public, but to speak or participate you must either be a board member or have prior approval from the advisory board to bring an agenda item/topic for discussion. 

Due to the pandemic, the meetings are being held virtually. Please email for meeting details.  


  1. Seek to ensure that the Residential Permit Parking Program is effective and responsive to those it serves;
  2. Review and comment on proposed changes in the Residential Permit Parking Program, its policies, procedures, or enforcement;
  3. Investigate problem areas and recommend solutions to them; and
  4. Generally monitor, evaluate, and propose improvements to the Residential Permit Parking Program.


Click here to view the Residential Permit Advisory Board parking districts map

Timing: This recurring meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, but it often runs over/late

Inclement weather backup days: to be determined 


  • District 1 -  Vacant
  • District 1 - Doug Armstrong, Area #7, Remington
  • District 2 - Steve Johnson, Area 28, Mt Vernon
  • District 2 – Vacant
  • District 3 - Marlon Benjamin, Area 31, Townes at the Terrace
  • District 3 - Serena Watters, Area 15, Barre Circle
  • District 4 – Betty Bland-Thomas, Area 41, Sharp Leadenhall
  • District 4 - Mike Murphy, Area 30, South Baltimore East
  • District 5 – Jerry Moore, Area 20, Washington Hill
  • District 5 – Nancy Hayden, Area 14, Little Italy
  • Member At Large – Deborah O'Neill, Area 5, Ridgley’s Delight

Meeting Schedule & Important Dates:

Call 443-573-2838 for information.

Event Date Agenda Minutes
RPP Advisory Board Meeting 10/1/20



RPP Advisory Board Meeting 11/19/20 Agenda  
RPP Advisory Board Meeting 1/21/21    
RPP Advisory Board Meeting 3/18/21    
RPP Advisory Board Meeting 5/12/21   Minutes
No Meeting July 2021    
Open Application Season for 2021-2023 RPP Advisory Board Congress 7/1/21- 7/31/21    
Close of 2019-2021 RPP Advisory Board Congress


RPP Advisory Board Meeting 9/16/21 Agenda Minutes