Professional contractors may obtain a contractor’s permit for their vehicle. They must provide a copy of the contract with the RPP residence identified on the contract, which must be signed by all parties. The permits are good for the time length of the contract, not to exceed 90 days. Each permit is $20. Only 4 contractor permits may be issued per address. If the job exceeds the length of the original contract, the contractor must return to the Parking Authority with updated information and apply for a new per permit ($20). Contractor permits are valid Monday through Friday from 8 am-4 pm. Construction permits in Area 28 are limited to 2 per household.
Homeowners may obtain a 30-day temporary permit to work on their homes prior to taking occupancy. Permits are $20. Homeowners must present the current vehicle registration, current settlement papers, deed, or property tax bill to verify ownership of the vehicle and home. Professional contractors working on the same home may also apply for a Contractor’s Permit (see above). They may not obtain a decal or visitor pass.