Residential Permit Parking Area 24 (Greenway)

Area 24, 25, 35 & 46 Permits Expire May 31

  • Renew online at The Permit Store. 
  • Upload required documents
  • Select how to receive your permits
    • Mail (for a fee). Decals and visitor permits are mailed separately.
    • Pick up at PABC Office
      • We will be in the process of moving to 211 N. Paca Street in June 2023. We will email you when you no longer can come to the Lombard Street location. 

      • Community Pickup: May 28th at 3405 Greenway from 12:00 Noon - 2:00 PM

        • You must select Pickup at PABC Office so your permit will be ready for the neighborhood volunteer to collect them prior to the pickup. 

        • Deadline to purchase: May 24


Satisfaction Survey


Please take our two-question survey after you have received your permits. 


Important Information

  1. You have an online account. Even if you have never completed an online purchase before, the account was automatically created with your driver's license number. You should enter the driver's license number and select the "forgot password" option.
  2. If you have changed your email address or no longer have access to the one that was originally given to PABC, you must contact us to change it, or the password reset will be unsuccessful. You can send the information to
  3. If you have never provided an email address, the password reset will be unsuccessful. Please email or call 443-573-2800 to give the representative your personal email.
  4. If you create a duplicate account, it will be denied. Documentation must be uploaded to complete the process online. This includes driver’s license, vehicle registration(s), utility bills (BGE, Xfinity, Metered Water), Leases, Dual Residency requirements, change of address cards, non-resident permits, and notarized letters. Registration must be uploaded for EACH vehicle for which you are requesting a permit. The exact information that used to be presented in person must be uploaded online. If you cannot satisfy this requirement, please visit our office in person to complete your renewal.
  5. Decals ordered for out-of-state license plates that do not show justification as to why the vehicle can remain registered out of state will not be filled. You must be a dual resident., student, temporary worker (assignment of 1 year or less), active duty military, or using a friend/relative's car to keep your vehicle registered out of state. All of these exceptions require that the proper documentation be uploaded. That includes student ID, military ID, military orders, non-resident permits, and notarized letters.

Required Documents

Certain documents are required. Please go to our webpage to learn more.


Office Purchase and Pick Up

If you are having trouble using the online system, you may purchase and pick up your permits at the Parking Authority office.

We will be in the process of moving to 211 N. Paca Street in June 2023. We will notify you when you no longer can come to the Lombard Street location. 

  • 200 W Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
  • Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Closed May 29, 2023 (Memorial Day)


Free parking at the Arena Garage only. The garage entrance is at  99 S. Howard Street, around the corner from our office (not across the street). 


When returning to your car, enter through one of the pedestrian doors. Unlock the door by swiping your parking coupon with the stripe side up on the control equipment next to the door.

The door will unlock but does not automatically open. Watch our YouTube video for instructions. 

pedestrian door access still


Permits are $20 each. We accept: 

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover 
  • Checks and money orders MUST be made out to the “Director of Finance” if purchasing in the office.

Cash is not accepted.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parking Authority by emailing us or 443-573-2800.


Take our survey once you've renewed!

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